Virtual usb bus enumerator
Virtual usb bus enumerator

virtual usb bus enumerator virtual usb bus enumerator virtual usb bus enumerator

Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPSignedDriver | Sort-Object -Property DriverProviderName, devicename | select devicename, infname, driverversion, FriendlyName, DriverProviderName, DriverDate |Format-Table | out-file $env:UserProfile\onedrive\desktop\drivers.txt If the txt files are not created on the desktop, it may be because the desktop synchronization of OneDrive is activated. You should then have the following txt files on your desktop: drivers.txt devices.txt and services.txt. Get-WmiObject win32_service | select Name, DisplayName, State, PathName |Format-Table | out-file $env:UserProfile\desktop\services.txt Get-PNPDevice | Sort-Object -Property class| select Friendlyname, status, class, InstanceId |Format-Table | out-file $env:UserProfile\desktop\devices.txt Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPSignedDriver | Sort-Object -Property DriverProviderName, devicename | select devicename, infname, driverversion, FriendlyName, DriverProviderName, DriverDate |Format-Table | out-file $env:UserProfile\desktop\drivers.txt txt, into the clipboard and paste it into the PowerShell window and press Enter. In the PowerShell Window run the following commands, one after the other.Ĭopy the complete command, starting with Get. Push the Windows Button, type PowerShell and then select the option: Run as administrator.

virtual usb bus enumerator

If you still need help, please do the following: I would gladly pay someone to take control of my machine and do this as long as data and apps preserved Last Operation = Remove System Restore checkpoints RegisteredAV = Trend Micro Maximum Security

Virtual usb bus enumerator