This formal approach provides new insights into the computational and neurophysiological mechanisms that allow some patients to recover after large or multiple lesions.

Finally, this framework was used to predict the physiological correlates of paradoxical lesions. This paradoxical lesion effect disappeared when the second lesion was more severe because plasticity-related changes were disproportionately amplified in the intrinsic connectivity, relative to lesioned extrinsic connections. We found that when the second lesion was mild, there was an increase in experience-dependent plasticity that enhanced performance relative to a single lesion. The second lesion was implemented in the intrinsic (within region) connectivity, compromising the model’s ability to rebalance excitatory–inhibitory connections during learning. The first in-silico lesion simulated damage to the extrinsic (between regions) connectivity causing a functional deficit that did not fully resolve over 100 trials of a word repetition task. For this, we introduce in-silico lesions to an active inference model of auditory word repetition. In this article, we simulate how and when a modification of the excitatory–inhibitory balance triggers the reversal of a functional deficit caused by a primary lesion. This effect has been explained in several ways particularly by the reduction of functional inhibition, or by increases in the excitatory-to-inhibitory synaptic balance within perilesional tissue. Download Arif Azad Islamic Books, Bangla Books, Bangla Novels, Children Books, Bengali Books, Science Book in pdf format and Read Ma Ma Ma ebong Baba, Ma Ma Ma Abong Baba Bangla PDF Islamic Books by Arif Azad - Download Arif Azad Popular Bangla Books PDF.Paradoxical lesions are secondary brain lesions that ameliorate functional deficits caused by the initial insult. Most Popular Books of Arif Azad are Paradoxical Sajid -1, Paradoxical Sajid - 2, Aroj Ali Somipe, Sottokothon, Bela Furabar Age, Aroz Ali Somipe, Shottokothon, Prottaborton etc. Writes about faith, destroys the glass of unbelief. Born in Chittagong, is a social media activist. Guardian Publications gives his intro like this, ‘Arif Azad. It is to be translated in several other languages. It has been translated into English and Assamese. His first book, Paradoxical Sajid is widely celebrated in Bangladesh. Both of his two books became bestseller in Ekushe Book Fair.

Arif Azad is a Bangladeshi activist and author. The Book was first published in Ekushey Book Fair 2017 from Dhaka, Bangladesh in Bengali. Ma Ma Ma ebong Baba by Arif Azad is a popular Bengali Book and and another popular Islamic Book of Arif Azad.